Global climate news: June

G7 summit, Borgo Egnazia, Apulia, Italy, 13–15 June 2024

Energy, climate, environment — The G7 reiterated its determination to address the triple global crises of climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. They remain steadfast in their commitment to :

  • staying within the threshold of a 1.5°C increase in global temperature;
  • halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030;
  • holistically addressing energy security, the climate crisis and geopolitical risks.

The G7 Summit 2025 will be held in Kananaskis, Alberta!

Bonn Climate Conference – June 11

UN mid-year climate talks in prep for COP 29

  • Focus: the amount of money developed countries need to mobilize each year from 2025 to support climate action in developing nations.
  • There have been serious disagreements over how much this should be, who should be prioritized for finance, what form this money takes, and what counts as a “developed” country.
  • Bonn Climate Conference on Tuesday ended in a stalemate as countries failed to make any concrete progress on the issue, or to advance other aspects of the Paris Agreement.
  • What does this mean for COP29 (already dubbed the “Finance COP”)?

COP 29 — Nov. 11–24 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

SusGabe: Start some early fall actions, e.g. letters/communications!

COP 16 – Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Oct 21 – Nov 1 in Cali, Colombia.

Parties to the Convention are expected to show the alignment of their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) with the Framework.

  • England brings in biodiversity rules to force builders to compensate for loss of nature.
  • A biodiversity credit scheme this week that attempts to force all new road and house-building projects to benefit nature, rather than damage it.
  • The “nature market,” called biodiversity net gain (BNG), means all new building projects must achieve a 10% net gain in biodiversity or habitat. If a woodland is destroyed by a road, for example, another needs to be recreated. This can happen either on site or elsewhere
  • It’s one of the most ambitious schemes
  • Countries already hoping to copy the idea or use it to develop their own include Sweden, Singapore, Scotland and Wales

BIG game-changing solar energy shift happening

Global climate news: March

Select items as presented to Sustainable Gabriola at our March monthly meeting, by Deb Ferens.

Earth on brink of five catastrophic climate tipping points, report warns

  • Greenland & Antarctic ice sheet loss — melting ice
  • Boreal forest permafrost thaw — methane release
  • Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) — ocean currents
  • Amazon rainforest
  • Coral reef die-off
Continue reading “Global climate news: March”

Global climate news: January

Here are the month’s significant climate news items, as curated by Deb Ferens and presented to the Sustainable Gabriola meeting on Sunday, Jan. 28.

COP28 – Successes & Failures

Loss and Damage Funds operationalised on day one. Agreement on “global transition away” from fossil fuels (not stronger wording of “phase-out”).

Continue reading “Global climate news: January”

October: world climate news

Here are five significant developments in environmental news over the past month, as tracked by Sustainable Gabriolan Deb Ferens and presented at October’s SG meeting.

Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Avaaz has partnered with some of the best international lawyers to file a powerful submission on climate change with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

Continue reading “October: world climate news”

Good news on climate!

Sustainable Gabriolan Deb Ferens tracks worldwide climate news. At September’s SG meeting, she presented a heartening list of SIX recent good-news climate stories. The group thought it would be a good idea to post these for the community’s linking and reading pleasure.

Youth environmentalists bring Montana climate case to trial after 12 years, seeking to set precedent

It’s the first trial of its kind in the US, and legal scholars around the world are following its potential addition to the small number of rulings that have established a government duty to protect people from climate change.

Continue reading “Good news on climate!”