Public Forum 2017
On March 4, 2017 Sustainable Gabriola hosted a public forum. Participants described their vision for Gabriola’s futures with a focus on the following topics:
Housing, Energy, Food, Transportation, Local Economy, Water, Arts and Culture, Waste, Health and Wellness. Click below to see the results of the forum:
Community Sustainability Plan 2009-2010
Sustainable Gabriola’s first visioning forums were held 2009 – 2010. Here is the resulting Community Sustainability Plan.
In May 2009, 30 people attended the inaugural Gabriola Sustainability meeting at the Haven – an open space session where participants self-selected topics for discussion. The group began the process of defining sustainability from a Gabriola perspective.
The discussion was continued at a second meeting in October 2009, with about 70 people identifying goals, actions, and indicators, as well as providing comments on principles and a vision. Actions based on those conversations were started, together with the development of a community sustainability plan. A third public meeting was held in April of 2010, with approximately 100 community members in attendance. Out of all this was borne the Community Sustainability Plan. This is recommended reading for anyone wanting to know more about what Sustainable Gabriola represents.