Climate and Sustainable Gabriola

Sustainable Gabriola has had an acute awareness of the climate problem ever since our initial meetings in 2009. That concern has only grown with the years, leading to many related spin-offs like the Heat Pump Social Enterprise (see list on the Initiatives page).

Gabriola Climate 12-12-12 (2022–23)

In 2022, after much discussion, we launched the Gabriola Climate 12-12-12 project, structured around an update of the 2010 Gabriola Community Sustainability Plan (see this page). We brought locals together each month for 12 months, to discuss 12 wicked problems related to climate change, and generate 12 (and more) solutions to reduce Gabriola’s GHG emissions and mitigate coming climate impacts. Full info on the Climate 12-12-12 page.

Gabriola Climate-12 Action! (2023 ongoing)

logo of Gabriola Climate 12-12-12 project

In 2023, the 12-12-12 project rolled over into Climate-12 Action, where talk and ideas start turning into on-the-ground projects and actions to address our own climate impacts and mitigations. A number of “Action Teams” formed, each focused on a specific area and working to bring about improvements in that area. Full info on the Climate-12 Action page.

Sustainability news

In 2023 we launched a monthly blog series to highlight international, national, provincial and local news items of note, including actions that Gabriolans can take to address sustainability issues. Mostly but not exclusively climate related, it’s on the News page.