Cycling skills workshop from SG

Together with Gabriola Recreation, we are offering a cycling skills mini-series for building confidence and riding safely on Gabriola. This clinic starts with a quick mechanical check to make sure your bike is running smoothly. After some skill-building practice, participants will follow facilitator Scott Colbourne onto some easy trails and parts of the roads that people tend to find challenging.

Two sessions: Saturday: May 25th and Saturday June 1st from 2 – 4 pm.  ($40) At the Gabriola Recreation office

Global climate news: March

Select items as presented to Sustainable Gabriola at our March monthly meeting, by Deb Ferens.

Earth on brink of five catastrophic climate tipping points, report warns

  • Greenland & Antarctic ice sheet loss — melting ice
  • Boreal forest permafrost thaw — methane release
  • Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) — ocean currents
  • Amazon rainforest
  • Coral reef die-off
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